Dementia is a complex condition and refers to
“progressive brain syndromes which affect memory,
thinking, behavior and emotion.”(1) While the
experience of dementia is different for each person, it
eventually progresses to an individual not being able to
care for themselves and requiring assistance w...
The environment in which children are growing up
today is very different than that of previous generations.
There has been tremendous innovation in how society
operates, with the rapid expansion of technology,
globalization of businesses, new careers and
opportunities, and increasingly diverse communitie...
Education is key to equipping individuals with the
necessary skills to meaningfully contribute to society.(1)
Rapid developments in technology, workforce changes
and the effects of globalization mean that societies are
evolving at a faster than ever pace. Responsive
education systems are needed to proper...
Las lesiones y muertes por accidentes de tránsito representan un problema global de salud pública. En Perú preenta una alta tasa de lesiones y muertes por accidentes de tránsito. Por ello, resulta necesario contar con evidencia acerca de intervenciones efectivas para prevenirlas. Este policy brief y ...
El Ministerio de Salud de Chile ha impulsado la estrategia de vacunación para adultos mayores desde el año 2007. A pesar de que las vacunas anti-influenza y antineumocócica se otorgan en forma gratuita, ya sea por campaña de invierno o programa nacional de inmunizaciones respe...
Grippe humaine,
Vaccins antipneumococciques,
Sujet âgé
Ontario has both a health system and a research system that
are increasingly putting patients and rapid learning and
improvement at their centre. For the health system, a recent
notable example of such efforts was the Patients First Act
2016 which, among other things, mandated the creation of
Patient and...
Poverty reduction measures are an important approach to
improving health and well-being.(2) A recent survey found
that poverty among older adults was lower in 20 out of 35
OECD countries when compared to the population as a
whole.(3) In Canada, while the prevalence of low income
among older adults has de...
There is a well-documented global trend toward
increased consumption of energy-dense and high-fat
foods, combined with increases in sedentary lifestyles.(1)
These changes have contributed to a global epidemic of
overweight and obesity, as well as significantly increased
risks for many diseases, including...
Providing care that is person-centred is a key goal for
provincial and territorial health systems in Canada.(1)
This is demonstrated by a number of provinces having
recently put forward legislation or key strategies working
towards this aim. For example, in 2014, the Ministry of
Health of British Columbi...
Considerando las tendencias de sobrepeso y obesidad a nivel nacional, el Ministerio de Salud ha impulsado acciones que permitan mejorar la salud de la población. Una de estas intervenciones es el cambio al etiquetado de los alimentos envasados.
En este contexto, el Departamento d...