Con la ampliación del registro de literatura gris (literatura no convencional) en el área de RHS en América Latina y el Caribe, se creó este espacio para un acceso rápido a publicaciones de interés de la Red de Observatorios de Recursos Humanos de Salud, donde encontrará informes, guías, políticas y otras publicaciones técnicas y científicas con la posibilidad de utilizar filtros por tema, año de publicación, país, idioma, entre otros.


Interfase de búsqueda que permite la recuperación de documentos indexados del Repositorio de Recursos Humanos de Salud.

Resultados: 193

Clinical reasoning in nursing: teaching strategies and assessment tools

Rev. bras. enferm; 70 (3), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: To present the concept and development of teaching strategies and the assessment tools regarding clinical reasoning for accurate practice. Method: This is a theoretical reflection based on scientific studies. Results: Comprehension of the essential concepts of the thought process a...

Semiotics and semiology of Nursing: evaluation of undergraduate students' knowledge on procedures

Rev. bras. enferm; 70 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: to assess the knowledge of scholars on Nursing regarding simple hands hygiene (SHH), blood pressure measurement (BP), peripheral venipuncture (PV) with venous catheter and male urethral catheterization delay (UCD) procedures. Method: quantitative study carried out between February a...

Factors that influence career choice in primary care among medical students starting social service in Honduras

ABSTRACT Objective To 1) describe patterns of specialty choice; 2) investigate relationships between career selection and selected demographic indicators; and 3) identify salary perception, factors that influence career choice in primary care, and factors that influence desired location of future medica...

Translation and adaptation of the Competencias Esenciales en Salud Pública para los recursos humanos en salud

ABSTRACT Objective: to perform the translation and cultural adaptation of the document named Marco Regional de Competencias Esenciales en Salud Pública para los Recursos Humanos en Salud de la Región de las Américas (Regional Framework of Core Competencies in Public Health for Health Human Resources ...

Perception of women on the care in the childbirth: contributions to nursing

Acta sci., Health sci; 35 (2), 2013
This study aimed to understand the perception of women regarding the care received during delivery/birth, and discuss the precepts of integrality according to humanization of care. This was a qualitative research study, performed at a tertiary care public hospital in Fortaleza, Ceará State, Brazil. The ...

Desafios para assegurar a disponibilidade e acessibilidade à assistência médica no Sistema Único de Saúde

A escassez e os desequilíbrios na distribuição da força de trabalho em saúde são problemas sociais e políticos que, juntamente com a desigualdade socioeconômica, reduzem o acesso da população aos serviços de saúde. Este estudo tem o objetivo de compreender os desafios dos formuladores de pol...

Construção de indicadores de avaliação de processo de aprendizagem para um curso de enfermagem

Rev. eletrônica enferm; 17 (1), 2015
O objetivo foi construir indicadores de avaliação de processo para um curso de graduação de enfermagem. Conferência de Consenso, realizada por especialistas a partir de matriz inicial, contendo 209 indicadores em quatro áreas de competência do curso que, após três etapas de confe...

Doctor of nursing: capacity for building a professional and scientific career project

Texto & contexto enferm; 25 (3), 2016
ABSTRACT This was an exploratory and analytical research with a qualitative approach which aimed to understand how newly graduated doctors of nursing built their scientific career projects, considering the eight domains of the Profile of the Doctor of Nursing of the Coordination for the Improvement of Hi...