
    Presentation slides that provide a more detailed knowledge about variants of flu that exist in each species, pigs, poultry, waterfowl, humans and other mammals.


    Al though Influenza A H1N1 has become famous, there are many variants of Influenza A. The name of the virus is based on the type of protein it has on its surface, which is recognized by our immune system. Hemagglutinin is abbreviated as H and the variants 1 to 16 are known, numbered according to the order of discovery. The other letter that makes up the name of a lineage, N, is given according to the Neuraminidase of the virus, and 9 variants are known.


    Tipo de curso: Modulo
    Tipo de recurso técnico: Imagen, Textual
    Formato: HTML, Flash
    Tipo de recurso de aprendizaje: Lecture
    Nivel de agregación:
    Contexto de aprendizaje: Formación continuada
    Licencia: Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual (CC BY-NC-SA)

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