
    - Gain a better understanding of the conceptual basis of chronic diseases, major routes and prevention strategies; - Understand and analyze the major routes by which trade impacts the consumption of food, alcohol and snuff, with particular reference to their country and sub​​-region; - Identify existing trade agreements to which subscribe their country and their impact on the general welfare of the country, with particular reference to food, alcohol and snuff and the differential impact on specific populations; - Explain the arguments for health in foreign policy that inform global health diplomacy and how they can position themselves in trade negotiations; - Understand the main trade issues related to the topic of your project for the country and propose a strategy to address them.


    This module brings information about international health with focus on chronic diseases. It will also address the impact of trade on public health in relation to food, alcohol and snuff, with emphasis on how it impacts business risk factors that relate to chronic diseases. Participants will also have the opportunity to develop their skills in understanding trade agreements, and negotiate and advocate for health considerations in such environments. The overall objective is to strengthen the critical and analytical skills in relation to major routes by which trade impacts the consumption of food, alcohol and snuff, with emphasis on chronic diseases, and develop the capacity of participants to formulate and advocate for trade policies and agreements that protect and promote public health and facilitate a reduction in the overall risk of chronic diseases like as inequitable distribution of that risk.


    Tipo de curso: Modulo
    Tipo de recurso técnico: Textual
    Formato: HTML, PDF
    Tipo de recurso de aprendizaje: Lecture
    Nivel de agregación:
    Contexto de aprendizaje: Formación continuada
    Licencia: Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual (CC BY-NC-SA)

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