Total: 135

    - to gain a more critical and deeper insight into the context in which you work; - to build a comprehensive and problem-based vision of SDH, identifying their potential for the design of public policies; - to gain a critical and reflective view to help you identify new ways of overcoming recurring problems.
    - Become familiar with the rationale of the social determinants of health (SDH) and their potential for designing public policies, taking WHO and PAHO work proposals into consideration; - Identify the principles of social justice, health equity, human rights and their relationship as key values for SDH interventions; - Identify structural and intermediary mechanisms underlying health inequities in population groups and territories, as a basis for public policy actions; - Recognize the need for a comprehensive, intersectoral and participatory approach towards understanding and taking actions on SDH.
    - Identificar os fundamentos dos determinantes sociais de saúde (DSS) e sua potencialidade para a formulação de políticas públicas, reconhecendo a proposta de trabalho da OMS e da OPAS; - Distinguir os princípios de justiça social, equidade em saúde e direitos humanos e suas relações, como valores fundamentais para a ação em DSS; - Identificar mecanismos estruturais e intermediários na produção de iniquidades em saúde entre grupos populacionais e territórios, como base para a ação em políticas públicas; - Reconhecer a necessidade de um enfoque integral, intersetorial e participativo para a compreensão e ação sobre DSS.
    - Define the terms “pandemic” and “preparedness.”; - Describe how pandemic influenza emerges and spreads; - Describe key steps in developing a local preparedness and response plan; - Describe principles of effective communication during a pandemic; - Identify preparedness and response strategies for specific community sectors; - Identify additional resources to support local preparedness and response efforts.
    - Define the terms pandemic and preparedness; - Describe how pandemic influenza emerges and spreads; - Describe key steps in developing a local preparedness and response plan; - Describe principles of effective communication during a pandemic; - Identify preparedness and response strategies for specific community sectors; - Identify additional resources to support local preparedness and response efforts.