- Review the historical process and impact of PHC at the national and international levels;
- Identify the new scenarios and critical factors associated with PHC renewal;
- Analyze the values and principles of PHC renewal.
- Identify the central aspects that define the comprehensive PHC approach;
- Analyze the integration of health services networks in each participants country;
- Analyze the competencies of local PHC teams and the relationship with the organization of services and requirements in staff training.
- Identify the elements for managing change toward PHC renewal;
- Analyze the specific attributes of PHC renewal that guide health system organization;
- Examine the different strategies for quality improvement in PHC-based health systems.
- Identificar los fundamentos de los determinantes sociales de la salud (DSS) y su potencialidad para la formulación de políticas públicas, reconociendo la propuesta de trabajo de la OMS y OPS;
- Distinguir los principios de la justicia social, equidad en salud y derechos humanos y sus relaciones, como valores fundamentales para la acción en DSS;
- Identificar mecanismos estructurales e intermedios en la producción de inequidades en salud entre grupos poblacionales y territorios, como base para la acción en políticas públicas;
Reconocer la necesidad de un enfoque integral, inter-sectorial y participativo para la comprensión y acción sobre DSS.
- Become familiar with the rationale of the social determinants of health (SDH) and their potential for designing public policies, taking WHO and PAHO work proposals into consideration;
- Identify the principles of social justice, health equity, human rights and their relationship as key values for SDH interventions;
- Identify structural and intermediary mechanisms underlying health inequities in population groups and territories, as a basis for public policy actions;
- Recognize the need for a comprehensive, intersectoral and participatory approach towards understanding and taking actions on SDH.
- Identificar os fundamentos dos determinantes sociais de saúde (DSS) e sua potencialidade para a formulação de políticas públicas, reconhecendo a proposta de trabalho da OMS e da OPAS;
- Distinguir os princípios de justiça social, equidade em saúde e direitos humanos e suas relações, como valores fundamentais para a ação em DSS;
- Identificar mecanismos estruturais e intermediários na produção de iniquidades em saúde entre grupos populacionais e territórios, como base para a ação em políticas públicas;
- Reconhecer a necessidade de um enfoque integral, intersetorial e participativo para a compreensão e ação sobre DSS.
Through this course, the Gender, Ethnicity and Health Office of PAHO/WHO seeks to promote an analysis of the health situation and access to services with proper attention given to differences in health indicators that reveal unfavorable circumstances faced by indigenous people, Afro-descendants, Romani people and migrants. Adopting an ethnic approach will create opportunities to redesign health program, plans and policies, with the aim to overcome unjust social conditions that affect those people within a framework that promote: social equity, social participation and respect for human rights.
This module you will learn how to: understand ethnicity as a social health determinant; identify the mechanisms of exclusion; identify and locate indigenous people afro-descendants, Romani people, migrants on the American continent; identify poverty and health disparities affecting these populations in the region.
This module you will learn how to: identify the tools to be considered when making a health analysis with an ethnic approach; distinguish the basic methodological tools use to carry out an appropriate health analysis with an ethnic approach; value the importance of the health analysis with an ethnic approach in health.
Entender la etinicidad como determinante social de la salud; identificar los mecanismos de exclusión; identificar y ubicar los principales grupos étnicos/raciales en el continente americano; evidenciar inequidades en pobreza y en salud que afectan a los grupos étnicos/raciales en la región.