Total: 67

    - Describe the origin and evolution of international cooperation and its modalities. (Concept); - Analyze the international health cooperation, actors and alliances that develop in the context of countries' foreign policy. (Critical analysis and argumentative); - Apply the conceptual model of the LIHP to different country themes, in order to generate criteria that result in actions to strengthen and improve international cooperation within and between countries.
    - Each participant will have basic conceptual foundations of conflict and human rights to analyze and debug issues in the context of international health; - Regarding the subject of the draft country, each country group will make a critical and analytical reading of the tensions and conflicts within and between states, their interests and actions of other international actors, assessing the implications and its effects on health; - Regarding the issue of national project, each country group make a proposal on how they should intervenirse tensions, crises or conflicts in favor of achieving social justice and ensure the right to health.
    - Explain the importance of nutrition in human capital formation and its link to development; - Know the action framework to enlarge scale multisectoral interventions, based on scientific evidence, which have a greater impact on nutrition and development. - Describe the main trends of development models, their relation to the determinants of health and nutrition and its implications in the project country. - Analyze the potential effects of climate change on food security and nutrition and development.
    - Having the conceptual basis and the fundamentals of physics of climate change and its relationship to development models (adaptation, mitigation, vulnerability, impact, impacts, resilience, etc..) To analyze, from the perspective of international health, how they interrelate with each other and how they impact on the human dimension and the determinants of health from global to local; - Conduct an analysis of the implications of development models in the issues raised in the project country; - Sustain a critical and proactive about the gaps, initiatives, decisions or proposals for reducing vulnerability, adaptation and existing policies in order to provide input into the definition of a regional position on climate change and health. This will also aid to generating public awareness and capacity building on the subject.
    - Gain a better understanding of the conceptual basis of chronic diseases, major routes and prevention strategies; - Understand and analyze the major routes by which trade impacts the consumption of food, alcohol and snuff, with particular reference to their country and sub​​-region; - Identify existing trade agreements to which subscribe their country and their impact on the general welfare of the country, with particular reference to food, alcohol and snuff and the differential impact on specific populations; - Explain the arguments for health in foreign policy that inform global health diplomacy and how they can position themselves in trade negotiations; - Understand the main trade issues related to the topic of your project for the country and propose a strategy to address them.
    -To understand and analyze the main social and technical factors that lead to the acknowledgement and consolidation of medicines as an essential component for health and its inclusion in the national and international health, trade and development agendas. -To understand and make use of the international regulatory and political frameworks which define access to medicines as a human right. -To understand the characteristics of the international pharmaceutical trade and the negotiation processes involved, as well as discuss their implications for the access to medicines. -To understand and discuss the implications of the International agreements and negotiations around intellectual property rights on the access to medicines.
    - Valorar la importancia del Programa de Líderes en Salud Internacional “Edmundo Granda Ugalde” (PLSI), su modelo conceptual y aplicaciones, generando un marco de referencia sobre salud internacional y sobre el contexto de la salud en la región de las Américas; - Identificar las prioridades nacionales en salud, de acuerdo con la Estrategia de Cooperación de Naciones Unidas y de la OPS/OMS en el País (CCA-UNDAF-CCS), los principales desafíos y los actores involucrados; - Reflexionar y dialogar con las autoridades nacionales, de la Representación de OPS/OMS y la Coordinación del PLSI sobre el tema del proyecto de país en salud internacional, siguiendo las guías pertinentes para la escogencia; - Iniciar el estudio de bases conceptuales relacionadas con las agendas y acuerdos bilaterales y multilaterales, los determinantes sociales de la salud, la Atención Primaria de la Salud Renovada y los Objetivos de Desarrollo de Milenio; - Manejar las tecnologías virtuales, particularmente las herramientas del Campus Virtual de Salud Pública y de las Salas de Situación de Salud Internacional, para participar de manera efectiva en las actividades virtuales del PLSI; - Aplicar las metodologías de investigación en el desarrollo de la propuesta de su proyecto de país para asegurar que este siga las normas establecidas y contribuir a la calidad de la misma.
    - Con relación a su tema del proyecto de país, cada grupo de país hará una lectura crítica y analítica de las tensiones y los conflictos en y entre los Estados, sus intereses y el accionar de otros actores internacionales, valorando las implicaciones y sus efectos en la salud; - Con relación a su tema de proyecto de país, cada grupo de país planteará una propuesta sobre cómo deberían intervenirse las tensiones, las crisis o los conflictos en pro de lograr justicia social y garantizar la salud como derecho.
    - Analizar la contribución de la APS en la disminución de las inequidades; - Analizar los diferentes abordajes y retos para reducir las inequidades; - Identificar las barreras de acceso a la atención de la salud; - Reconocer la salud como derecho