
    -To understand and analyze the main social and technical factors that lead to the acknowledgement and consolidation of medicines as an essential component for health and its inclusion in the national and international health, trade and development agendas. -To understand and make use of the international regulatory and political frameworks which define access to medicines as a human right. -To understand the characteristics of the international pharmaceutical trade and the negotiation processes involved, as well as discuss their implications for the access to medicines. -To understand and discuss the implications of the International agreements and negotiations around intellectual property rights on the access to medicines.


    This module provides information about international health with a focus on access to medicines, trade and international agreements. This module aims to strengthen the capacity overall advocacy and negotiation in the field of medicines, through the historical reconstruction of access to medicines as a human right and an understanding of the characteristics of the drug trade and its health implications, economic, political and social contexts in national, regional and global levels.


    Course type: Module
    Technical resource type: Text
    Format: HTML, PDF
    Learning resource type: Lecture
    Aggregation level:
    Learning context: Continuous Formation
    License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)

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