The number of health workers in Mozambique is insufficient to enable the achievement of the
country‟s population health goals. This problem is compounded by the uneven distribution of
health care works by province and by area of residence, and by a weak and under-resourced
national health system which ...
Cette note d´information stratégique a été préparée à la demande de la Direction des Ressources Humaines du Ministère de la Santé Publique pour informer les délibérations préparatoires à l´élaboration de la stratégie nationale de développement des ressources humaines pour la santé. Elle...
This policy brief was prepared at the request of the Human Resources Directorate of the Ministry of Public Health to inform the deliberations leading to the development of the national strategic plan for the health workforce. It describes the magnitude, the consequences and the underlying factors of the ...
This policy brief was prepared at the request of the Human Resources Directorate of the Ministry
of Public Health to inform the deliberations leading to the development of the national strategic
plan for the health workforce. It describes the magnitude, the consequences and the underlying
factors of the ...
In Saskatchewan, where more than one third of the
population lives in rural areas, geographic location can
be an important factor affecting health, healthcare, and
quality of healthcare.(2) Although all people living in
Saskatchewan should have equal access to publicly
insured healthcare programs and ser...