Resultados: 46

    Programa Bolsa Família: barreiras ao cumprimento das condicionalidades de saúde por beneficiários
    Bolsa Família Program: barriers to compliance with health conditionalities by beneficiaries

    Contexto: As famílias participantes do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF) assumem compromissos de condicionalidade na área de saúde, com a finalidade de promover o acesso aos direitos fundamentais básicos. As ações básicas ofertadas compreendem o pré-natal das gestantes, o acompanhamento do cresciment...

    ¿Cuáles son las recomendaciones sobre modelos de organización para la atención de personas con diagnóstico de enfermedades poco frecuentes? Síntesis rápida de evidencia. Descriptiva
    What are the recommendations on organizational models for the care of individuals with rare disease diagnoses?Rapid evidence synthesis. Descriptive

    Antecedentes y objetivos: Las enfermedades raras o poco frecuentes (EPOF) afectan a un pequeño porcentaje de la población, generando condiciones debilitantes y crónicas. Dado su bajo interés en investigación, el acceso a tratamientos es limitado. Los Departamentos de Coordinación de Garantías y Pr...

    Mapa de evidências sobre a efetividade clínica da medicina antroposófica: informe executivo
    Evidence map on the clinical effectiveness of anthroposophic medicine: executive report

    O mapa apresenta uma visão geral das evidências sobre os efeitos da Medicina Antroposófica, referida na PNPIC como Antroposofia Aplicada à Saúde, em função de sua natureza multiprofissional. A partir de uma ampla busca bibliográfica foram incluídos no mapa 33 estudos de revisão que analisaram o...

    In what ways do cultural contexts influence the knowledge translation process for health decision-making and what are the implications for policy and practice?

    This report explores how knowledge translation (‎KT)‎ and cultural contexts are conceptualized and utilized, with a focus on health policy-making theory and practice. KT takes place within cultural contexts that can powerfully frame what policy problems are and what type of research is accepted by po...

    What are the roles of intercultural mediators in health care and what is the evidence on their contributions and effectiveness in improving accessibility and quality of care for refugees and migrants in the WHO European Region?

    Intercultural mediators are employed to resolve linguistic and cultural barriers in a variety of health-care contexts. This report examines the main roles performed by intercultural mediators in health care across the WHO European Region and analyses evidence on their effectiveness in improving accessibi...

    Policy summary 1: addressing financial sustainability in health systems

    This report (Report 1) is a policy summary which underpins the key theme of the conference – financial sustainability in health systems. The report touches on the myriad elements involved in discussions on financial sustainability, and emphasizes the need for a clarification of the key concepts as a pr...

    Creating rapid-learning health systems in Canada

    The 14 jurisdictions include one federal/national/panCanadian jurisdiction, 10 provincial jurisdictions, and three territorial jurisdictions. The first of these jurisdictions includes both areas of federal government responsibility for providing healthcare – most notably for Indigenous peoples, militar...

    Enhancing health system integration of nurse practitioners in Ontario

    Nurses have a long tradition of informally working in expanded roles in rural and remote communities in Canada (e.g., outpost nurses).(1; 2) The formalization of the nurse practitioner role in Canada began in the mid1960s as a response to four interrelated factors: 1) introduction of publicly funded heal...

    What strategies to address communication barriers for refugees and migrants in health care settings have been implemented and evaluated across the WHO European Region? Themed issues on migration and health, IX

    The provision of effective health care to linguistically and culturally diverse migrant populations has been identified as a crucial public health issue. This scoping review examines strategies that have been implemented and evaluated to address communication barriers experienced by refugees and migrants...

    Health system performance assessment in the WHO European Region: which domains and indicators have been used by Member States for its measurement?

    Health systems performance assessment (HSPA) varies across the WHO European Region. This review summarizes HSPA domains and indicators used by Member States in their HSPA or health system-related reports. Thirty Member States published in the English language and from their latest documents, 1485 distinc...