For concerned citizens and influential thinkers and doers, the McMaster Health Forum
strives to be a leading hub for improving health outcomes through collective problem
solving. Operating at the regional/provincial level and at national levels, the Forum
harnesses information, convenes stakeholders and ...
Improving end-of-life communication, decision-making
and care has been identified as a pressing health issue in
Ontario (and in Canada more generally), as evidenced
by recent research,(1;2) public opinion polls,(3) expert
panels and commissions,(4-6) and a high-profile legal
case,(7) which have revealed ...
Over the past three decades, Canada has made
substantial progress in reducing the national rate of
avoidable mortality (deaths that could potentially have
been avoided through disease prevention or
healthcare services). In fact, the national avoidable
mortality rate has decreased by half – from 373 per...
While there is a considerable body of health systems information being
generated, it is often not being used as a key input in the policy-making
process. The BRIDGE systematic review highlights several examples of health
systems information: not being used at all, being only partially used, being
used to...
Policy-makers, stakeholders and knowledge brokers (including researchers) all
have a great deal they can learn from one another. Policy-makers need access
to good-quality health systems information that they can apply to a local issue.
Stakeholders may seek to influence health policy as well as make deci...
L’objectif de cette note est d’informer les délibérations des décideurs et des parties prenantes. Elle
résume les meilleures données probantes disponibles, au sujet des options stratégiques et des
considérations de leur mise en œuvre, pour améliorer l’accessibilité financière des service...
There is a general lack of attention given to ‘what to do next’ to advance
knowledge brokering in many European countries’ health systems. Four sets
of interrelated issues can contribute to this problem within any given country’s
health system....
Is there enough evidence to show that increased household income and a better diet can improve children?s nutritional status? Drawing from a recent systematic review (Masset of agricultural interventions aimed at improving the nutritional status of children, the key findings are: 1-Nutrition-...
Cette note de politique a été élaborée par l?équipe pays du projet « Soutenir l?utilisation des bases factuelles issues de la recherche (SURE) dans les politiques de santé en Afrique ». Elle porte sur les stratégies de viabilisation de l?assurance maladie universelle au Burkina Faso. Les finance...
Ce forum a débuté donc le 05 juin 2012 à 9h15mn par le mot d’ouverture de Monsieur le Secrétaire Général du Ministère, représenté par Monsieur le Directeur Général de l’Information et des Statistiques Sanitaires. Dans son
propos, Monsieur le Directeur Général a rappelé le contexte et la...