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Aprueba texto que indica de la ley sobre impuesto a la renta
Publication date: 31/12/1974
Organ issuer: Treasury
Act scope: Federal / Chile
Collection: Tobacco, Taxes
(artículo 20) Has been changed by Decree-law 204456, of 29 of July of 2010 
(artículo 14 quáter) Has been included by Decree-law 204456, of 29 of July of 2010 
(numeral 7° en el artículo 40) Has been included by Decree-law 204456, of 29 of July of 2010 
(artículo 42 quáter) Has been included by Decree-law 204456, of 29 of July of 2010 
(letra i) del artículo 84) Has been changed by Decree-law 204456, of 29 of July of 2010 
(inciso primero, del artículo 4) Has been replaced by Decree-law 20630, of 24 of September of 2012 