With the expansion of the gray literature registry (unconventional literature) in the area of HRS in Latin America and the Caribbean, this space was created for quick access to publications of interest from the Network of Observatories of Human Health Resources, where you will find reports, guides, policies and other technical and scientific publications with the possibility of using filters by topic, year of publication, country, language, among others.


Search interface that allows the recovery of indexed documents of the Repository of Human Health Resources.

Results: 703

CD13/28: Educational needs for health personnel in the Americas

Pursuant to instructions contained in Resolution EXXIV of the XII meeting of the Directing Council, the Director has intensified his efforts to find extra-budgetary funds in order to expand the educational program of the Organization. Consideration was given to long-term financing of education of health ...

CD14/26: Inter-country exchange of health workers and students

The Director has the honor to inform the Directing Council that on 22 August 1963 he received a letter from the Surgeon General of the United States of America, copy of which is attached. This letter proposed that the following item be included on the Council agenda: "Inter-Country Exchanges of Health Wo...

CD14/26: Intercambio de personal de salud y estudiantes entre países

El Director tiene el honor de poner en conocimiento del Consejo Directivo que, en fecha 22 de agosto de 1963, recibió del Señor Cirujano General de los Estados Unidos de América la carta cuya copia adjunta, en la cual se propone la inclusión en el programa de temas de uno relativo a: "Intercambio de ...

Analisando criticamente a formação de auxiliares e técnicas de enfermagem no Brasil

Rev. Paul. Enferm. (Online); 29 (1/3), 2018
Nos processos de globalização identificamos mudanças nos comportamentos e necessidades das populações, bem como, no mundo do trabalho. Nosso objetivo foi refletir, numa perspectiva histórica, sobrea legislação e a necessidade de formação em enfermagem no nível médio no Brasil. Trata-se de uma...

CD15/23: Inter country exchange of teaching and other health personnel

In Resolution XXV adopted at its XIV Meeting, the Directing Council requested that the Director study the opportunities for interchange of teaching and other health personnel among countries. The report, prepared at the request of the Council with the expert advice of a consultant in this field, summariz...

CD14/9: Informe sobre metodología de planificación y adiestramiento de planificadores de salud

Las actividades de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud en materia de planificación, en 1962 y la primera parte de 1963, consistieron en la colaboración con los Gobiernos Miembros para la formulación y revisión de los planes nacionales de salud, y pusieron de relieve el desarrollo y estandarizac...

CD15/17: Adiestramiento de personal auxiliar

En el curso de la 50a Reunión del Comité Ejecutivo, el Representante de México puso de relieve la necesidad de que la Organización intensificara su colaboración con los países en materia de adiestramiento de personal auxiliar, toda vez que la escasez de estos trabajadores constituye un problema que...

CD16/11: Adiestramiento de personal auxiliar

En el curso de la 50a Reunión del Comité Ejecutivo se puso de relieve la necesidad de que la Organización intensificara su colaboración con los países en materia de adiestramiento de personal auxiliar, ya que la escasez de estos trabajadores sigue constituyendo un problema que se va agudizando a med...

CD15/23: Intercambio de personal docente y de salud entre países

El Consejo Directivo, en su XIV Reunión, aprobó la Resolución XXV, por la cual se encomienda al Director que estudie las oportunidades de intercambio de personal docente y de salud entre los distintos países. En el presente informe, preparado a solicitud del Consejo y con el asesoramiento experto de ...

CD15/17: Training of auxiliary personnel

During the course of the 50th Meeting of the Executive Committee, the Representative of Mexico emphasized that the Organization should increase its assistance to the countries in the training of the auxiliary personnel. The shortage of auxiliary personnel was a problem which would become more and more ac...