Total: 2076

    Coexisting severe mental illness (psychosis) and substance misuse: assessment and management in healthcare settings

    This guideline covers assessing and managing people aged 14 years and over with coexisting severe mental illness (psychosis) and substance misuse. It aims to help healthcare professionals guide people with psychosis with coexisting substance misuse to stabilise, reduce or stop their substance misuse, to ...

    Colorectal cancer prevention: colonoscopic surveillance in adults with ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease or adenomas

    This guideline covers using colonoscopy to check for signs of bowel cancer in people aged 18 and over with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease (types of inflammatory bowel disease) or adenomas (also known as polyps). It aims to prevent cancer and prolong life by offering advice on identifying early b...

    Alcohol-use disorders: diagnosis, assessment and management of harmful drinking (high-risk drinking) and alcohol dependence

    This guideline covers identifying, assessing and managing alcohol-use disorders (harmful drinking and alcohol dependence) in adults and young people aged 10–17 years. It aims to reduce harms (such as liver disease, heart problems, depression and anxiety) from alcohol by improving assessment and setting...

    Food allergy in under 19s: assessment and diagnosis

    This guideline covers assessing and managing food allergy in children and young people under 19. It aims to improve symptoms such as faltering growth and eczema by offering advice on how to identify food allergy and when to refer to secondary or specialist care. The guideline does not cover reactions to ...

    Generalised anxiety disorder and panic disorder in adults: management

    This guideline covers the care and treatment of people aged 18 and over with generalised anxiety disorder (chronic anxiety) or panic disorder (with or without agoraphobia or panic attacks). It aims to help people achieve complete relief of symptoms (remission), which is associated with better functioning...

    Guía de práctica clínica sobre trastornos del sueño en la infancia y adolescencia en atención primaria

    Orientar a los profesionales sanitarios del ámbito de Atencion Primaria (AP) en el reconocimiento de los problemas y trastornos del sueño en la infancia y adolescencia, y sobre todo, en la selección de recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia científica disponible, de las intervenciones terapéuticas ...

    Guía de práctica clínica sobre infección del tracto urinario en la población pediátrica

    El objetivo de esta guía de práctica clínica (GPC) es servir de instrumento para mejorar el manejo clínico de los niños y niñas con infección del tracto urinario (ITU). Estos pacientes son atendidos en diversos servicios de atención primaria, urgencias de centros hospitalarios y atención especia...

    Guía de práctica clínica para el cuidado de personas que sufren quemaduras

    El objetivo fundamental de esta GPC es mejorar la salud y la calidad de vida de las personas afectadas por quemaduras, proporcionando recomendaciones basadas en la mejor evidencia disponible; Reducir la variabilidad y la incertidumbre en la practica clínica en el abordaje de las quemaduras; Promover la ...

    Collaborative framework for care and control of tuberculosis and diabetes

    Intersecting epidemics Tuberculosis (TB) remains a considerable global public health concern, mainly affecting poor and vulnerable populations. Every year, more than 9 million people fall ill with this infectious disease, and close to 2 million die from it. Diabetes, a chronic metabolic disease that is i...

    Guidelines on neonatal seizures

    Neonatal seizures represent one of the most frequent neurological events in newborn infants, often reflecting a variety of different pre-, peri-, or postnatal disorders of the central nervous system (CNS). These guidelines are intended to be of use for neonatologists, pediatric neurologists, pediatrician...