
    This introductory course on pandemic influenza will help the learner understand why this virus is capable of producing worldwide outbreaks. Participants will explore the epidemiology, historical context, and response efforts related to both seasonal and worldwide influenza outbreaks. At the end of this course, learners will be competent to describe the public health role in emergency response during an influenza outbreak or pandemic and to recognize unusual events that might indicate an emergency and describe appropriate action. Additionally, learners will be able to describe their functional role(s) in emergency response and apply flexible thinking to unusual challenges within their functional role. Several activities are designed to help the learner identify personal limits of knowledge, skill, and authority and direct the learner to useful resources when these limits have been exceeded. Refer to the Core Public Health Worker Competencies for Emergency Preparedness and Response (link opens PDF document in new window).


    Tipo de recurso técnico: Recurso Interactivo
    Formato: HTML

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