
    - Recognize priorities and strategic interventions criteria for public action on SDH; - Recognize the importance of primary health care and the participation of civil society in public policies oriented to health equity and social justice in health care, and their interrelation with the SDH agenda; - Recognize past experiences and practical action opportunities in the different contexts of countries and regions.


    The unit two this course "Global learning device on social determinants of health and public policy formulation" is propose to presents: priorities for health intervention; key action strategies to address Social Determinants of Health; and interventions and experiences in addressing social determinants of health within the context of countries and regions.


    Tipo do curso: Modulo
    Tipo de recurso técnico: Imagem, Textual
    Formato: HTML
    Tipo de recurso de aprendizagem: Lecture
    Nível de agregação:
    Contexto de aprendizagem: Formação permanente
    Público: Gestor
    Licença: Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual (CC BY-NC-SA)

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