This module brings information about international health with a focus on nutrition, human capital and development. Competências address for the analysis of the role of nutrition, health and development in the work of leading international health future, based on the review of the framework, which addresses the issues of the right to food and safety food and nutrition, the study of the importance of investing in nutrition as a basis for development and analysis of the possible effects of climate change on food security and nutrition, and thus in the development of populations worldwide.Detalhes
Tipo do curso: Modulo
Tipo de recurso técnico: Textual
Formato: HTML, PDF
Tipo de recurso de aprendizagem: Lecture
Nível de agregação:
Contexto de aprendizagem: Formação permanente
Licença: Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual (CC BY-NC-SA)