This module presents the following contents:PHC planning and organization: from demand to response to needs, teamwork and its implications in the process of organization of service delivery, participatory management models, community participation and social control mechanism and managing change in complex organizations. This module contains two assignments. The first is a case study focusing on the management model for PHC renewal from the perspective of health services networks. In the second, the participant is asked to characterize the central elements of the health services network management in his/her country and identify the missing elements from the perspective of the Renewal of PHC. The modules Main Readings focus on the necessary changes in health systems for PHC renewal and will serve as inputs for the assignments and the forum. The forum will provide the opportunity to analyze the importance of managing changes for PHC renewal, based on the diversity of existing realities.
Tipo do curso: Modulo
Tipo de recurso técnico: Audio, Textual
Formato: HTML, PDF
Tipo de recurso de aprendizagem: Lecture
Nível de agregação:
Contexto de aprendizagem: Formação permanente
Licença: Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual (CC BY-NC-SA)