This module presents information about the importance of PHC teams, about the comprehensive care, entry point to the system, and first contact and about the organization the integrated health services networks. In this module, participants will be able to identify the components that define the comprehensive nature of PHC and analyze the integrated approach to health services networks. This module contains two assignments. The first is a case study in which the fragmentation of care is addressed and participants are asked to propose possible solutions taking in consideration the health services structure. In the second, participants shall critically analyze the services network of their countries and identify the weak points requiring greater efforts and resources to make integrated care possible. The Main Readings provide the participant with the necessary inputs to complete the assignments.Detalhes
Tipo do curso: Modulo
Tipo de recurso técnico: Audio, Textual
Formato: HTML, PDF
Tipo de recurso de aprendizagem: Lecture
Nível de agregação:
Contexto de aprendizagem: Formação permanente
Licença: Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual (CC BY-NC-SA)