This module presents an analysis of PHCs historical process and impact, lessons learned in the implementation of PHC, the importance and the main to renew PHC and the PHC values and principles. This module will address the meaning and spirit of PHC renewal emphasizing its values and principles. The historical process will also be reviewed and the impact on different contexts, potential, and benefits as an essential strategy to strengthen health systems and services and improve population health. This module will introduce the participant to the main debates and reflections generated by PHC renewal. As stated in the PAHO/WHO Position Paper on the Renewal of PHC; a PHCbased health system entails an overarching approach to the organization and operation of health systems that makes the right tothe highest attainable level of health its main goal while maximizing equity and solidarity. Such a system is guided by the PHC principles of responsiveness to peoples health needs, quality orientation, government accountability, social justice, sustainability, participation, and intersectoriality.Detalhes
Tipo do curso: Modulo
Tipo de recurso técnico: Audio, Textual
Formato: HTML, PDF
Tipo de recurso de aprendizagem: Lecture
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Contexto de aprendizagem: Formação permanente
Licença: Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual (CC BY-NC-SA)