
    - The importance of smoking cessation measures in comprehensive smoking control programs; - The effects of nicotine addiction, genetics, behavior, and social determinants on the complex process of smoking cessation; - Population-wide methods to influence smokign cessation on a societal scale, such as tobacco taxes and cigarette package warnings; - Non-pharmacological and pharmacological methods for helping smokers quit. Cessation promotion initiatives based on smoker characteristics, such as age and special groups; - Tactics and strategies used by the tobacco industry to oppose smoking cessation strategies; - New guidelines for smoking cessation, including an analysis of harm reduction.


    It presents information about tobacco cessation and will explaion the complexities involved in quitting smoking. It explain the functions that nicotine addiction and motivation play in the process of quitting. It presents the best practices for tobacco cessation and analyzes the different population and individual approaches uses to help smokers quit tobacco and finally investigate the tobacco industry's role in smoking cessation.


    Course type: Module
    Technical resource type: Image, Text
    Format: HTML, PDF, Flash
    Learning resource type: Lecture
    Aggregation level:
    Learning context: Continuous Formation
    License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)

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