
    - The process through which youth star smoking and become regular smokers; - The different factors that encourage youth to experiment with tobacco and to continue to use it; - Marketing techiques that influence smoking, such as advertising, sponsorship, and princing policies; - The main prevention interventions adopted in recent decades and research on their effectiveness; - The specific prevention interventions adopted in some countries in the Region through legislation, community programs, and health promotion campaigns.


    This module presents information about the tobacco prevention and the influence of psychosocial, economic and biological variables. Also it presents the main prevention interventions adopted in recent decades and research on their effectiveness. It includes too the specific prevention interventions adopted in some countries in the Region through legislation, community programs and health promotion campaigns.


    Tipo de curso: Modulo
    Tipo de recurso técnico: Imagen, Textual
    Formato: HTML, PDF, Flash
    Tipo de recurso de aprendizaje: Lecture
    Nivel de agregación:
    Contexto de aprendizaje: Formación continuada
    Licencia: Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual (CC BY-NC-SA)

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