Recursos Educacionales Abiertos <![CDATA[Global learning device on social determinants of health and public policy formulation: policy responses to and interventions on social determinants of health]]> 96 <![CDATA[Global leaRning device on social determinants of health and public policy formulation]]> 99 <![CDATA[Global learning device on social determinants of health and public policy formulation: introduction to social determinants of health (SHD) and political strategies for action]]> 100 <![CDATA[Global learning device on social determinants of health and public policy formulation: social determinants of health; values, approaches and perspectives]]> 101 <![CDATA[Global learning device on social determinants of health and public policy formulation: Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH); creation, knowledge networks, social participation and recommendations]]> 102