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    - Analyze global risks and international determinants at the national, subregional and regional levels; - Develop policies and strategies to strengthen the capacity of national health systems and ITS dependencies in solving international health problems, based on the promotion of equity, exchange, cooperation and solidarity; - Perform actions that lead to the formulation of coherent policies and plans, negotiating agreements and managing the technical and financial cooperation in fields and international actors for health of their populations.
    - To position the prevention and control of NCDs in the actual global, regional and national context; - To understand the applicability of policy tools for the prevention and control of chronic non communicable diseases; - To become familiar with successful surveillance systems and methodologies in the Americas; - To understand the applicability of policy tools for the prevention and control of chronic non communicable diseases; - To understand social marketing and its applicability to public health problems and behavior change; - To understand the Chronic Care Model and be able to apply the components to intervention development
    - Analizar la realidad de salud mental de sus contextos y priorizar la información relevante para la toma de decisiones; - Desarrollar un plan de salud mental, con enfoque de DDHH y género, a nivel local; - Organizar los servicios de salud mental con un enfoque comunitario; - Diseñar el sistema de información en salud mental; - Generar la base de financiación del plan de salud mental; - Diseñar un sistema de evaluación y de control de calidad.
    - Increase knowledge and awareness of how outcomes in health are related to sex, gender norms, roles, relations and other determinants of health. - Initiate the building of core analytical skills for gender analysis and its application in a public health context. - Understand how the health sector can use gender analysis tools to effectively reduce health inequities.
    1. Reconocer la complejidad de los procesos de los determinantes sociales de la salud y su influencia en la generación de inequidades en salud. 2. Reflexionar los resultados de salud desde los enfoques de derechos humanos, justicia social, equidad, ética y de los determinantes sociales. 3. Implementar nuevas orientaciones en las prácticas académicas de la formación en salud pública 4. Incorporar el abordaje de los determinantes sociales de la salud en los programas de estudio.