Total: 22

    - Describe and analyze the issue of smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke at the global and regional level; - Disseminate tobacco control measures contained in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control; - Analyze the factors that influence smoking uptake and persistence among young people; - Describe the strategies and characteristics of smoking cessation, at the individual and population level; - Describe the tobacco industry’s opposition strategies and provide tools for analyzing and responding to industry actions; - Present the most successful interventions and their implementation in the Region of the Americas; - Integrate knowledge about challenges and trends to comprehensive tobacco control.
    - Distinguirán los critérios y metodos para llegar al diagnóstico de la Diabetes; - Diferenciarán entre los diferentes tipos de Diabetes; - Conocerán las manisfestaciones clínicas de la Diabetes; - Reconocerán los fundamentos anatómicos, fisiológicos y bioquímicos del funcionamiento pancreático y del metabolismo intermedio de los hidratos de carbono; - Identificarán la participación de las hormonas glucorreguladoras y la función que desempeñan - Estabelecerán las bases fisiopatológicas de la Diabetes.