Resultados: 5

    Improving skilled birth attendance in Ethiopia

    The purpose of this report is to inform deliberations among policymakers and stakeholders. It summarises the best available evidence regarding the design and implementation of policies for improving skilled birth attendance. The report was prepared as a background document to be discussed at meetings att...

    Improving health care financing in Ethiopia

    The purpose of this report is to inform deliberations among policymakers and stakeholders. It summarises the best available evidence regarding the design and implementation of policies for improving health care financing. The report was prepared as a background document to be discussed at meetings attend...

    Prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in rural Ethiopia

    The Problem: Lack of access to uterotonics to prevent PPH in rural Ethiopia - Ethiopia?s maternal mortality rate is among the highest in the world with 470 deaths per 100,000 live births. Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) remains to be the leading cause of maternal mortality in developing countries like Ethiop...

    Human resource capacity to effectively implement malaria elimination in Ethiopia

    The purpose of this report is to inform deliberations among policymakers and stakeholders. It summarises the best available evidence regarding human resource capacity building as well as staff motivation as policy options for developing the capacity to effectively implement the proposed malaria eliminati...