Institutionalization of Evidence-Informed Policies (EIP) in health organizations: evidence synthesis and deliberative dialogue on critical factors
Ano de publicação: 2024
The living evidence synthesis mapped the critical factors for sustainable processes of
institutionalization of EIDM in public health organizations and the monitoring and evaluation
indicators related to the implementation of EIP.
A comprehensive literature search was conducted across nine databases, as well as subjectrelated websites and reference lists of the studies included.
Study selection was performed independently, in duplicate, and disagreements were resolved by consensus. Data extraction was performed by individual reviewers and checked by another reviewer.
The extracted data, both from critical factors and indicators, were grouped into six dimensions:
Governance - which refers to functions related to rulemaking and guidance to achieve the
institutionalization of EIPs, including institutionalized platforms that promote interaction and
bridge the boundaries between research and policy.
Standardized and routinized processes - which are necessary to ensure high-quality knowledge translation products and processes that policymakers trust and are more likely to use.
Leadership and commitment - which includes legitimate leadership with capacity to
influence the lasting adoption of EIP in organizations, through the allocation of resources or
encouragement, support and guidance.
Resources - which implies having, in addition to financial resources, a critical mass of people
skilled in applying knowledge translation in a routinary and consistent manner.
Partnerships, collective action and support - which are essential for ongoing, multi-stakeholder engagement in the same cause, joint problem-solving, identification of resources for knowledge translation and ongoing technical support.
Culture - which values the use of evidence in decision-making, allowing a collective
understanding of what knowledge translation is, of the value it can bring, and what can be
expected in terms of activities and benefits.