Policy brief: how can the migration of health service professionals be managed so as to reduce any negative effects on supply?
Ano de publicação: 2008
The international migration of health professionals has been a growingfeature of the global health agenda since the late 1990s. In Europe, theaccession of more countries to the European Union (EU) since 2004 hasincreased the scope for mobility among health workers and raisedadditional issues within the European context.• The dynamics of international mobility, migration and recruitment arecomplex, including individual motives and the different approaches ofgovernments to managing, facilitating or attempting to limit the outflowor inflow of health workers.• Health worker migration can have positive and negative aspects. It can bea solution to staff shortages in some countries, can assist countries thathave an oversupply of staff, and can be a means by which individualhealth workers can improve their opportunities and standard of living.Nevertheless, it can also create (additional) shortages of health workers incountries that are already understaffed and undermine the quality of andaccess to health care. It can also affect the morale of the health workforce.• There are various types of migration, which may have different effects andrequire different types of policy attention, and which vary according towhether a country is a source of or a destination for health workers.• Migration of health workers is part of the broader dynamic of change andmobility within health care labour markets and in terms of policy shouldnot be addressed in isolation.• To meet the policy challenges and to manage migration, three areas ofaction are required:- improving the available data on migratory flows of healthprofessionals so that monitoring of trends in flows can be moreeffective;- paying more detailed attention to options to manage the processes ofmigration in order to reduce any negative effects on supply of healthprofessionals; and- in all affected countries, ensuring that human resource policies,planning and practice in the health sector are effective and thus allowsupply to be better maintained.Managing migration of health professionalsExecutive summaryMigration of skilled workers is generally on the increase. In the health sector,physicians, nurses and other health workers have always taken the opportunityto migrate in pursuit of new opportunities and better career prospects. Inrecent years, however, the level of this migration has grown significantly.Source countries that lose skilled health staff through out-migration may findthat their health systems suffer from, for example, staff shortages, lower moraleamong the remaining health care staff, and a reduced quality or quantity ofhealth service provision. Nevertheless, the migration of health workers can alsohave positive aspects, such as assisting countries that have an oversupply ofstaff and offering a solution to a shortage of staff in destination countries. Itcan also allow individual health workers to improve their skills, careeropportunities and standard of living.Migration among health workers is part of the broader dynamic of change andmobility in health care labour markets, and in policy terms should therefore notbe addressed in isolation. Moreover, the dynamics of international mobility,migration and recruitment are complex, covering: individuals' rights andchoices, health workers' motives and attitudes, governments' approaches tomanaging, facilitating or attempting to limit the outflow or inflow of healthworkers, and recruitment agencies' role as intermediaries.In the WHO European Region, the accession of more countries to the EuropeanUnion (EU) in 2004 and 2007 increased the scope for mobility of healthprofessionals. Some countries, particularly those in the eastern part of theRegion, are concerned about the out-migration of health workers as a result ofaccession.This brief considers the policy implications in Europe of the internationalmigration of health workers and addresses the question of how the migrationof health service professionals can be managed in ways that reduce anynegative effects on supply.