Resultados: 375

    What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being? A scoping review

    Arts interventions, such as singing in a choir to improve chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, are considered noninvasive, low-risk treatment options and are increasingly being used by Member States to supplement more traditional biomedical treatments. The Health Evidence Network (HEN) synthesis report...

    Workshop for priority-setting in Aedes aegypti control interventions in Latin America and the Caribbean: a policy dialogue

    This article presents the results of a dialogue between decision-makers and experts in Latin America and the Caribbean on priority-setting for interventions and studies on Aedes aegypti control. The article is part of a project that included a systematic review of mosquito control strategies and a qualit...

    Policy summary 1: addressing financial sustainability in health systems

    This report (Report 1) is a policy summary which underpins the key theme of the conference – financial sustainability in health systems. The report touches on the myriad elements involved in discussions on financial sustainability, and emphasizes the need for a clarification of the key concepts as a pr...

    What is the evidence on availability and integration of refugee and migrant health data in health information systems in the WHO European Region? Themed issues on migration and health, X

    The Health Evidence Network (HEN) is an information service for public health decision-makers in the WHO European Region, in action since 2003 and initiated and coordinated by the WHO Regional Office for Europe under the umbrella of the WHO European Health Information Initiative (a multipartner network c...

    What are the roles of intercultural mediators in health care and what is the evidence on their contributions and effectiveness in improving accessibility and quality of care for refugees and migrants in the WHO European Region?

    Intercultural mediators are employed to resolve linguistic and cultural barriers in a variety of health-care contexts. This report examines the main roles performed by intercultural mediators in health care across the WHO European Region and analyses evidence on their effectiveness in improving accessibi...

    What quantitative and qualitative methods have been developed to measure the implementation of a life-course approach in public health policies at the national level?

    A life-course approach to health and well-being has become a pillar in health policy-making; for example, Member States of the WHO European Region in the 2015 Minsk Declaration resolved to make greater use of a life-course approach in health policies. However, strategies for implementation of a life-cour...

    What is the evidence on the methods, frameworks and indicators used to evaluate health literacy policies, programmes and interventions at the regional, national and organizational levels?

    The Health Evidence Network (HEN) is an information service for public health decision-makers in the WHO European Region, in action since 2003 and initiated and coordinated by the WHO Regional Office for Europe under the umbrella of the European Health Information Initiative (a multipartner network coord...

    Enhancing health promotion and disease prevention in networked primary care

    Health systems are moving away from traditional primary care (e.g., by increasingly shifting to group practice and interprofessional teams rather than solo practice primary-care providers), which is often siloed and results in barriers to timely access to care.(1) The Ministry of Health of British Columb...

    Creating rapid-learning health systems in Canada

    The 14 jurisdictions include one federal/national/panCanadian jurisdiction, 10 provincial jurisdictions, and three territorial jurisdictions. The first of these jurisdictions includes both areas of federal government responsibility for providing healthcare – most notably for Indigenous peoples, militar...