Resultados: 35

    Using non-medical home services to support older adults

    The number of Canadians aged 65 or older is expected to double within the next two decades, and the proportion of those over the age of 80 is expected to grow from 27.5% in 2012 to 32% in 2036.(1; 2) This trend holds true in British Columbia (which is where the request came from for this synthesis) where...

    Identifying suicide prevention interventions

    We identified 95 systemic reviews evaluating suicide-prevention interventions in Canadian and intercional sources. The systematic reviews cover topics related to the full spectrum of suicide-prevention efforts that Scott and Guo (2012) outline in their overview of reviews, witch include three interrelate...

    Engaging in priority setting about primary and integrated healthcare innovations in Canada

    Provincial and territorial ministries of health have made significant investments in primary healthcare reform over recent years to improve access, quality, continuity of care, cost, satisfaction and health outcomes. Interdisciplinary team-based care, networks with streamlined care pathways, the use of h...

    Issue brief: developing a 'rapid-response' program for health system decision-makers in Canada

    A gap exists in efforts to support the use of research evidence between ‘self-serve’ approaches such as ‘one-stop shops’ for research evidence (e.g., Health Systems Evidence – and ‘fullserve’ approaches such as convening stakeholder dialogues with health-syste...

    Evidence brief: supporting optimal screening approaches in Canada

    This evidence brief mobilizes both global and local research evidence about a problem, three elements of a comprehensive approach for addressing the problem, and key implementation considerations. Whenever possible, the evidence brief summarizes research evidence drawn from systematic reviews of the rese...

    ¿Cuáles son las normas técnicas de los modelos de salud intercultural a nivel internacional? Síntesis Rápida de Evidencia. Experiencias internacionales
    What are the technical standards for intercultural health models at the international level? Rapid Evidence Synthesis

    ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS: Los pueblos indígenas y los miembros de otros grupos étnicos pueden experimentar discriminación e inequidades significativas en salud en comparación a la población general. En este contexto, el Departamento de Salud, Pueblos Indígenas e Interculturalidad solicita esta sín...

    Evidence brief: creating community-based specialty clinics in Ontario

    Ontario’s Action Plan for Health Care called for “right care, right time, right place” (p. 10) and specifically for “moving procedures into the community” (p. 13).(1) To support the implementation of this commitment, the ministry of health has taken several steps. The ministry has supported one...

    Issue brief: building momentum in using the avoidable mortality indicators in Canada

    Over the past three decades, Canada has made substantial progress in reducing the national rate of avoidable mortality (deaths that could potentially have been avoided through disease prevention or healthcare services). In fact, the national avoidable mortality rate has decreased by half – from 373 per...

    Issue brief: engaging health system decision-makers in supporting comprehensive chronic pain management in provincial and territorial healthcare systems in Canada

    The lack of health system decision-maker engagement in supporting comprehensive chronic pain management in provincial and territorial healthcare systems in Canada can be understood by considering four sets of interrelated issues: 1) lack of awareness of chronic pain; 2) lack of awareness of limitations i...