High-quality research is important for improving population health and well-being and for achieving
the health-related Sustainable Development Goals. The challenges facing individuals, organizations and
countries in securing research funding and building research capacity, and then using these resources
This policy brief contributes to the evidence base of policy development for scaling up
palliative care services across Uganda, particularly among population groups with ‘special
needs’, such as the poor, those living in rural areas, children or parents with life-limiting
diseases, the elderly, and t...
Effective pandemic governance is more important now than
ever as pandemic risk factors like urbanization, the
hypermobility of persons, trans-border trade, rapid
population growth and changes to the environment and
food systems all increase in tandem with the demands of
globalization.(1) These transforma...
Most existing organizational models for knowledge brokering comprise
a set of design features that reflect an evolving effort, typically by
researchers and research organizations, to balance a variety of competing
objectives such as independence and relevance. These design features are
rarely selected to...