Résultats: 4

    Réduction de la mortalité infanto-juvénile par une meilleure prise en charge de la malnutrition et du VIH

    En RCA, il est globalement ressorti des différents rapports de suivi des indicateurs des OMD que les progrès sont les plus lents en ce qui concerne l’OMD1 (Eradiquer l’extrême pauvreté et la faim), l´OMD 4 (Réduire la mortalité des enfants de moins de 5 ans), l’OMD 5 (Améliorer la santé ma...

    Issue brief: addressing housing challenges faced by people with HIV in Ontario

    About 26,630 Ontarians are living with HIV and about 1,000 more are newly diagnosed each year.(1) Of those who are newly diagnosed, over 50% are gay men, about a quarter are members of the African and Caribbean community, and about 8% are injection drug users....

    HIV and infant feeding: summary of findings from the good start study

    The Good Start Study was a prospective cohort study of 665 HIV positive women who attended routine PMTCT services. The women and infants were followed for 36 weeks after birth with data collection during home visits every 2 weeks until 12 weeks and then monthly until 9 months. At each scheduled visit inf...