PIE | pie pie

    Résultats: 8

    Organização intersetorial em sistemas públicos universais de saúde
    Intersectoral organization in universal public health systems

    Contexto: A intersetorialidade é definida como a participação de diversos setores visando a solução de problemas complexos de forma multidimensional, por meio do reconhecimento de questões comuns que integrem ações. No Brasil, o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) adota como um dos princípios da PolÃ...

    Quadros de referência (frameworks) sobre colaboração intersetorial em promoção da saúde
    Frameworks on intersectoral collaboration in health promotion

    Contexto: De acordo com a Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde, ações intersetoriais envolvendo o intercâmbio entre diferentes setores podem produzir soluções que melhorem a qualidade de vida. Em saúde, essa articulação pressupõe uma agenda que considera múltiplos aspectos envolvidos no p...

    Políticas intersectorial para enfrentar la obesidad infantil: reporte breve de evidencia
    a Brief Evidence Report Intersectorial policies to address childhood obesity

    ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO En Chile existe una alta prevalencia de obesidad y sobrepeso en la población, lo que ha impulsado el desarrollado de diversas intervenciones, sin embargo, y pese a grandes esfuerzos en las últimas décadas, no se han logrado disminuir. Es más, en Chile se ha observado un gran i...

    Evidence on financing and budgeting mechanisms to support intersectoral actions between health, education, social welfare and labour sectors

    Intersectoral collaboration between the health and the social welfare, education or labour sectors can help to influence the social determinants of health. Funding such collaboration can be difficult as these sectors may be subject to very different regulatory structures, incentives and goals. This revie...

    Advancing the integration of palliative care in the national health system

    This policy brief contributes to the evidence base of policy development for scaling up palliative care services across Uganda, particularly among population groups with ‘special needs’, such as the poor, those living in rural areas, children or parents with life-limiting diseases, the elderly, and t...

    Integrated Health Care for People with Chronic Conditions: a policy brief

    Clinical research has led to spectacular developments in health care. It has provided us with knowledge about how to prevent diseases, like heart disease, how to reduce the consequences of disease, such as complications of diabetes, and to alleviate symptoms, such as those of lung disease, and how to reh...

    Policy brief: How can the settings used to provide care to older people be balanced?

    The optimal balance between institutional, home-based and community care for older adults requires an effective mix of organizational, funding and delivery mechanisms for target populations. This spans health and social care, and the coordination of care must respect older people’s care preferences and...