Examining the effects of value-based physician payment models
Publication year: 2017
Healthcare provider remuneration mechanisms are one
of the key policy levers that decision-makers can harness
to influence health-system performance.(1) In Canada,
remunerating physicians is the second-largest source of
public expenditures accounting for 21% of all health
spending in the country.(2) Within the health systems
for countries in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), many physicians
continue to be paid through traditional payment
mechanisms, including fee-for-service (i.e., where
physicians receive a fixed fee for each healthcare service
performed), capitation (i.e., where physicians receive a
fixed fee for each patient in the roster) and fee-for-time
(i.e., where physicians receive a salary/fixed income on a
regular basis).(1; 3-5) In Canada, fee-for-service
payments accounted for 72% of total clinical payments
in 2015, with the remainder consisting of alternative
payment plans (i.e., models other than traditional feefor-service)