Issue brief (student-led): addressing student mental health needs at McMaster University
Publication year: 2013
McMaster University has many excellent programs and
services in place to address student mental health needs.
These services are offered through the Student Affairs
office that is responsible for presenting McMaster
students with opportunities to “discover, learn, and
grow.”(4) Mental health services on campus are
primarily delivered through the Student Wellness
Centre, which provides a wide range of services and
resources for McMaster students, including medical and
other health services, counselling services, and wellness
education. The centre offers personal, psychological and
group counselling to help students through emotional,
personal or interpersonal problems. Additionally, the
Student Wellness Centre helps students connect to
relevant campus, community and online resources for
further support.(5) Student Accessibility Services assists
current and prospective McMaster students with
academic and disability-related needs, including mental
health disabilities.(6) Program coordinators at the office
work with faculty and students to determine the
appropriate accommodations to best meet the unique
needs of the students seeking support.(