Results: 14

    Examining the public provision and funding of PET-CT Imaging for non-cancer Indications

    Positron emission tomography–computed tomography (better known as PET-CT) has revolutionized medical diagnosis since the first commercial systems reached the market in the early 2000s.(1) This advanced nuclear imaging technique combines a positron emission tomography (PET) scanner and an X-ray computed...

    Evidence on financing and budgeting mechanisms to support intersectoral actions between health, education, social welfare and labour sectors

    Intersectoral collaboration between the health and the social welfare, education or labour sectors can help to influence the social determinants of health. Funding such collaboration can be difficult as these sectors may be subject to very different regulatory structures, incentives and goals. This revie...

    Economic crisis, health systems and health in Europe: Impact and implications for policy

    The crisis has given substance to an old and often hypothetical debate about the financial sustainability of health systems in Europe. For years it was the spectre of ageing populations, cost-increasing developments in technology and changing public expectations that haunted European policy-makers troubl...

    Strategies de viabilisation de l'assurance maladie universelle au Burkina Faso

    Cette note de politique a été élaborée par l?équipe pays du projet « Soutenir l?utilisation des bases factuelles issues de la recherche (SURE) dans les politiques de santé en Afrique ». Elle porte sur les stratégies de viabilisation de l?assurance maladie universelle au Burkina Faso. Les finance...

    Rapport du Forum Déliberatif de la note de politique relative aux stratégies damélioration des allocations budgétaires pour la santé au Burkina Faso

    Du 19 au 20 janvier 2012, a eu lieu dans la salle de conférence du programme d’appui au développement sanitaire (PADS), le forum délibératif (dialogue politique) de la note de politique sur « les stratégies d’amélioration des allocations budgétaires pour la santé au Burkina Faso ». Il avait...

    Policy summary 5: health policy responses to the financial crisis in Europe

    Economic shocks present policy-makers with three main challenges:o Health systems require predictable sources of revenue. Sudden interruptions to public revenue streams can make it difficult to maintain necessary levels of health care.o Cuts to public spending on health made in response to an economic sh...

    Policy summary 5: health policy responses to the financial crisis in Europe

    When confronted by an economic shock affecting the health sector, policymakers may decide to maintain, decrease or increase current levels of public expenditure on health. With each option they could also reallocate funds within the health system to enhance efficiency. A range of tools can be used to alt...