Results: 51

    SUPPORT Tools for Evidence-informed Policymaking in health (STP) 17: dealing with insufficient research evidence

    This article is part of a series written for people responsible for making decisions about health policies and programmes and for those who support these decision makers. In this article, we address the issue of decision making in situations in which there is insufficient evidence at hand. Policymakers o...

    SUPPORT Tools for evidence-informed health Policymaking (STP) 2: improving how your organisation supports the use of research evidence to inform policymaking

    This article is part of a series written for people responsible for making decisions about health policies and programmes and for those who support these decision makers. In this article, we address ways of organising efforts to support evidence-informed health policymaking. Efforts to link research to a...

    SUPPORT Tools for evidence-informed health Policymaking (STP) 7: finding systematic reviews

    This article is part of a series written for people responsible for making decisions about health policies and programmes and for those who support these decision makers. Systematic reviews are increasingly seen as a key source of information in policymaking, particularly in terms of assisting with descr...

    SUPPORT Tools for Evidence-informed Policymaking in health (STP) 6: using research evidence to address how an option will be implemented

    This article is part of a series written for people responsible for making decisions about health policies and programmes and for those who support these decision makers. After a policy decision has been made, the next key challenge is transforming this stated policy position into practical actions. What...

    SUPPORT Tools for evidence-informed health Policymaking (STP) 5: using research evidence to frame options to address a problem

    This article is part of a series written for people responsible for making decisions about health policies and programmes and for those who support these decision makers. Policymakers and those supporting them may find themselves in one or more of the following three situations that will require them to ...

    SUPPORT Tools for evidence-informed health Policymaking (STP) 1: what is evidence-informed policymaking?

    This article is part of a series written for people responsible for making decisions about health policies and programmes and for those who support these decision makers. In this article, we discuss the following three questions: What is evidence? What is the role of research evidence in informing health...

    SUPPORT Tools for evidence-informed health Policymaking (STP) 8: deciding how much confidence to place in a systematic review

    This article is part of a series written for people responsible for making decisions about health policies and programmes and for those who support these decision makers. The reliability of systematic reviews of the effects of health interventions is variable. Consequently, policymakers and others need t...

    STP: Herramientas SUPPORT para la toma de decisiones en políticas de salud informada por la evidencia: introducción
    STP: SUPPORT tools for decision-making in health policies informed by evidence: introduction

    Saber como localizar e usar evidências de pesquisa pode ajudar os formuladores de políticas e aqueles que os ajudam a melhorar e a tornar a elaboração de políticas mais eficiente. Cada artigo desta série apresenta uma proposta de ferramenta que pode ser usada por aqueles envolvidos na busca e utili...

    STP: Herramientas SUPPORT para la toma de decisiones en políticas de salud informada por la evidencia 1: qué es la toma de decisiones en políticas informada por la evidencia
    STP: SUPPORT tools for decision-making in health policies informed by evidence 1: what is decision-making in policies informed by evidence

    En este artículo discutimos las tres preguntas siguientes: ¿Qué es la evidencia? ¿Cuál es el rol de la evidencia de la investigación en el respaldo de las decisiones en políticas de salud? ¿Qué es la toma de decisiones en políticas informada por la evidencia?...

    Outils du projet SUPPORT pour l´élaboration des politiques de santé éclairées par les données probantes 1: qu´est-ce que l´élaboration de politiques éclairées par les données probantes?
    SUPPORT Toolkit for evidence-informed health policy development 1: What is Evidence-Informed Policy Development?

    Au début de la décennie 90, le Cameroun a mis en œuvre un système de santé décentralisé conformément aux cadres conceptuels du district de santé et des soins de santé primaires recommandés par le Bureau régional de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (AFRO). Des structures de dialogue comm...