Results: 2

    Overview sobre estratégias de reabilitação no manejo de condições pós-covid
    Overview on rehabilitation strategies in the management of post-covid conditions

    A maioria das pessoas infectadas pelo vírus responsável pela covid-19, o SARS-CoV-2, apresentam melhora após a fase aguda, mas alguns indivíduos podem sofrer efeitos de longo prazo, denominados “condições pós-covid”. As evidências sobre a definição das condições pós-covid, assim como as ...

    Do current discharge arrangements from inpatient hospital care for the elderly reduce readmission rates, the length of inpatient stay or mortality, or improve health status?

    In the developed world, older people make up an increasing proportion of the population, and this demographic transition also affects some developing countries. In general, older people are at increased risk of disease, disability and financial and social deprivation compared to younger people in the sam...