Results: 5

    Economic crisis, health systems and health in Europe: Impact and implications for policy

    The crisis has given substance to an old and often hypothetical debate about the financial sustainability of health systems in Europe. For years it was the spectre of ageing populations, cost-increasing developments in technology and changing public expectations that haunted European policy-makers troubl...

    Policy brief 16: how can knowledge brokering be better supported across European health systems?

    While there is a considerable body of health systems information being generated, it is often not being used as a key input in the policy-making process. The BRIDGE systematic review highlights several examples of health systems information: not being used at all, being only partially used, being used to...

    Policy summary 4: health system performance comparison: an agenda for policy, information and research

    International health system performance comparisons have the potential to provide a rich source of evidence as well as policy influence.• Country comparisons that are not conducted with properly validated measures and unbiased policy interpretations may prompt adverse policy impacts and so caution is r...

    Outils du projet SUPPORT pour l´élaboration des politiques de santé éclairées par les données probantes 17: la prise de décisions et l´insuffisance des données de recherche
    SUPPORT Toolkit for Evidence-Informed Health Policy Development 17: Decision Making and Insufficient Research Data

    Dans le présent article, nous examinons la prise de décisions dans un contexte où les données probantes sont insuffisantes. En pareille situation, les responsables de politiques sont souvent incapables de prévoir avec certitude les répercussions dune proposition de politique ou de programme de sant...