Results: 33

    Issue brief: developing a 'rapid-response' program for health system decision-makers in Canada

    A gap exists in efforts to support the use of research evidence between ‘self-serve’ approaches such as ‘one-stop shops’ for research evidence (e.g., Health Systems Evidence – and ‘fullserve’ approaches such as convening stakeholder dialogues with health-syste...

    Improving skilled birth attendance in Ethiopia

    The purpose of this report is to inform deliberations among policymakers and stakeholders. It summarises the best available evidence regarding the design and implementation of policies for improving skilled birth attendance. The report was prepared as a background document to be discussed at meetings att...

    Improving health care financing in Ethiopia

    The purpose of this report is to inform deliberations among policymakers and stakeholders. It summarises the best available evidence regarding the design and implementation of policies for improving health care financing. The report was prepared as a background document to be discussed at meetings attend...

    Issue brief: building momentum in using the avoidable mortality indicators in Canada

    Over the past three decades, Canada has made substantial progress in reducing the national rate of avoidable mortality (deaths that could potentially have been avoided through disease prevention or healthcare services). In fact, the national avoidable mortality rate has decreased by half – from 373 per...

    All the Talents: how new roles and better teamwork can release potential and improve health services

    Led by Lord Nigel Crisp, (Member of House of Lords (UK) and champion of the Global Health Workforce Alliance), the All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPG) on Global Health and Africa launched a new report "All the Talents". The report looks at how innovations in the skill mix of health workers can improve ...

    Outils du projet SUPPORT pour l´élaboration des politiques de santé éclairées par les données probantes 14: organisation et utilisation de dialogues sur les politiques à l´appui de l´élaboration de politiques éclairées par les données probantes
    SUPPORT Toolkit for Evidence-Informed Health Policy Development 14: Organizing and Using Policy Dialogues to Support Evidence-Informed Policy Development

    Les dialogues sur les politiques permettent dexaminer les données de recherche parallèlement aux perspectives, aux expériences et aux connaissances tacites des personnes qui participent à la prise de décisions relatives à une question hautement prioritaire, ou qui sont touchées par de telles déci...