Results: 19

    Reporte de diálogo deliberativo síntese de evidências nº 01/2011: Prevenção e controle da dengue no espaço urbano
    Discussion report deliberative synthesis of evidence no. 01/2011: prevention and control of dengue in urban space

    Todos os participantes do Diálogo concordaram que o problema da dengue no espaço urbano merece atenção especial, visto que é um dos principais problemas de saúde pública do mundo e desta forma o seu manejo deve envolver as três opções colocadas em discussão por meio desta síntese. Opção 1: ...

    Forum Délibératif sur: Maintenir la présence des personnels soignants dans les formations sanitaires rurales enclavées au Cameroun
    Deliberative Forum on: Maintaining the presence of health care workers in rural health facilities in Cameroon

    Dans le cadre du projet SURE, le Centre pour le Développement des Bonnes Pratiques en Santé et la Direction des Ressources Humaines du Ministère de la Santé Publique ont organisé un forum délibératif le 31 janvier 2012 à l’Hôtel Mérina de Yaoundé sur le thème « Maintenir la présence des p...

    Policy dialogue on task shifting for health workers in maternal and child healthcare: report

    This dialogue to discuss the policy brief which outlines health policy options using the current research evidence is a fulfillment of one of UNHRO?s responsibilities of supporting evidence-based policy decisions. It was noted that there is an acute shortage of human resources for health in Africa and Ug...

    Increasing access to skilled birth attendance: report

    The Director General of the Uganda National Health Research Organisation (UNHRO), Dr Sam Okware welcomed participants and asserted the role of UNHRO not only in coordinating national health research but translating research findings into policy and practice. The REACH policy initiative – SURE project u...

    Policy dialogue Increasing Access to Skilled Birth Attendance: report

    The REACH policy initiative SURE project under UNHRO in collaboration with the College of Health Sciences, Makerere University had produced a policy brief on increasing access to skilled birth attendance which was the focus for discussion in this meeting. The brief describes the problem, highlights three...

    Report of the Deliberative Forum on Improving Governance for Health District Development in Cameroon

    The Ministry of Public Health convened a deliberative forum in March 18, 2011 Merina Hotel in Yaounde, on "Improving Governance for Health District Development in Cameroon." Twenty governance actors were in attendance including officials from ministries and specialized agencies, regional and district med...

    Increasing access to skilled birth attendance: report

    The Director General of the Uganda National Health Research Organisation (UNHRO), Dr Sam Okware welcomed participants and asserted the role of UNHRO not only in coordinating national health research but translating research findings into policy and practice. The REACH policy initiative – SURE project u...