Results: 221

    Optimizing the use of antenatal care services in Cameroon

    This brief is a contribution to deliberations aiming at fostering the use of antenatal care (ANC) services by pregnant women in order to reach the optimum recommended by WHO (e.g., four prenatal visits, one per quarter including one just before delivery) within the framework of the Campaign for the Accel...

    The retention of health workers in rural and remote areas in Mozambique

    The number of health workers in Mozambique is insufficient to enable the achievement of the country‟s population health goals. This problem is compounded by the uneven distribution of health care works by province and by area of residence, and by a weak and under-resourced national health system which ...

    Réduction de la mortalité infanto-juvénile par une meilleure prise en charge de la malnutrition et du VIH

    En RCA, il est globalement ressorti des différents rapports de suivi des indicateurs des OMD que les progrès sont les plus lents en ce qui concerne l’OMD1 (Eradiquer l’extrême pauvreté et la faim), l´OMD 4 (Réduire la mortalité des enfants de moins de 5 ans), l’OMD 5 (Améliorer la santé ma...

    Health workforce innovation: accelerating private sector responses to the human resources for health crisis

    Issued by an international group of experts in health and private sector, this report stresses the importance of the private sector in responding to the HRH crisis and the need for further health workforce innovation, that increased the supply, improved the effectiveness of health workers.Recommendations...

    Promouvoir l’Adhésion Universelle aux Mécanismes d’Assurance Maladie au Cameroun
    Promoting universal adherence to health insurance mechanisms in Cameroon

    La présente note d’information stratégique vise à éclairer les parties concernées par la faible adhésion des citoyens aux divers systèmes d’assurance maladie sur le marché camerounais et propose trois options visant à améliorer l’accès équitable aux services et soins de santé. Le syst...

    Strategies de viabilisation de l’assurance maladie universelle au Burkina Faso

    Cette note de politique a été élaborée par l’équipe pays du projet « Soutenir l’utilisation des bases factuelles issues de la recherche (SURE) dans les politiques de santé en Afrique ». Elle porte sur les stratégies de viabilisation de l’assurance maladie universelle au Burkina Faso. Les f...

    Prevention of postpartum hemorrhage: Options for home births in rural Ethiopia

    This paper sought to determine the safety and feasibility of home-based prophylaxis of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) with misoprostol, including assessment of the need for referrals and additional interventions. In rural Tigray, Ethiopia, traditional birth attendants (TBAs) in intervention areas were train...

    Promoting access to high quality primary health care services in Sudan

    Sudan health system is based on the district health system approach, which emphasizes the principles of primary health care (PHC). Nevertheless, the decentralization of the public sector resulted in more deterioration of the PHC system particularly in rural and peripheral areas due to lack of financial r...