Total: 734

    Reporte de diálogo deliberativo síntese de evidências nº 01/2011: Prevenção e controle da dengue no espaço urbano
    Discussion report deliberative synthesis of evidence no. 01/2011: prevention and control of dengue in urban space

    Todos os participantes do Diálogo concordaram que o problema da dengue no espaço urbano merece atenção especial, visto que é um dos principais problemas de saúde pública do mundo e desta forma o seu manejo deve envolver as três opções colocadas em discussão por meio desta síntese. Opção 1: ...

    WHO recommendations: optimizing health worker roles to improve access to key maternal and newborn health interventions through task shifting

    Human resource shortages in the health services are widely acknowledged as a threat to the attainment of the healthrelated Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Attempts to optimize the potential of the existing health workforce are therefore crucial. A more rational distribution of tasks and responsibili...

    Evidence brief: coordinating the use of genetic tests and related services in British Columbia

    Rapid technological advances in genetics and genomics hold promise for the diagnosis, treatment and even prevention of common and rare diseases. Nevertheless, they also raise concerns regarding their potential impacts on health systems, which has led many countries to reflect on the optimal models to coo...

    Evidence brief: expanding uptake of hospital-based tobacco-use cessation supports across Ontario

    An assessment of what is is known about problems related to expanding the uptake of hospital-based tobacco-use cessation supports, options for addressing these problems, and key implementation considerations. The evidence brief was an input to a stakeholder dialogue on the topic of expanding the uptake o...

    Forum Délibératif sur: Maintenir la présence des personnels soignants dans les formations sanitaires rurales enclavées au Cameroun
    Deliberative Forum on: Maintaining the presence of health care workers in rural health facilities in Cameroon

    Dans le cadre du projet SURE, le Centre pour le Développement des Bonnes Pratiques en Santé et la Direction des Ressources Humaines du Ministère de la Santé Publique ont organisé un forum délibératif le 31 janvier 2012 à l’Hôtel Mérina de Yaoundé sur le thème « Maintenir la présence des p...

    Optimizing the use of antenatal care services in Cameroon

    This brief is a contribution to deliberations aiming at fostering the use of antenatal care (ANC) services by pregnant women in order to reach the optimum recommended by WHO (e.g., four prenatal visits, one per quarter including one just before delivery) within the framework of the Campaign for the Accel...

    The retention of health workers in rural and remote areas in Mozambique

    The number of health workers in Mozambique is insufficient to enable the achievement of the country‟s population health goals. This problem is compounded by the uneven distribution of health care works by province and by area of residence, and by a weak and under-resourced national health system which ...

    Réduction de la mortalité infanto-juvénile par une meilleure prise en charge de la malnutrition et du VIH

    En RCA, il est globalement ressorti des différents rapports de suivi des indicateurs des OMD que les progrès sont les plus lents en ce qui concerne l’OMD1 (Eradiquer l’extrême pauvreté et la faim), l´OMD 4 (Réduire la mortalité des enfants de moins de 5 ans), l’OMD 5 (Améliorer la santé ma...