Ontario has both a health system and a research system that are increasingly aiming to support rapid learning and improvement. Yet, Ontario's health system still faces complex challenges, such as reducing emergency-room wait times, ending hallway medicine, improving support for people with mental health ...
Optimizing clinical practice based on data, evidence and
guidelines is a challenge faced in every health system
around the world. The way the challenge manifests
itself at the level of the patient has been remarkably
consistent over time: tough decisions made at the
intersection of clinical expertise, pa...
This evidence brief and the stakeholder dialogue it was
prepared to inform were designed to guide the actions of
those involved in strengthening public and patient
engagement in HTA in Ontario. In this section of the
brief, we propose key definitions to ensure a common
conceptual understanding. We also h...
This evidence brief mobilizes both global and local
research evidence about a problem, three elements of a
comprehensive approach for addressing the problem,
and key implementation considerations. Whenever
possible, the evidence brief summarizes research
evidence drawn from systematic reviews of the rese...
Managing multiple medical conditions is part of the daily
life of a growing number of Ontarians. As Fortin et al.
observed, “patients with multiple conditions are the rule
rather than the exception in primary care.”(2)
Multimorbidity (living with three or more medical
conditions) has attracted signif...
Effective pandemic governance is more important now than
ever as pandemic risk factors like urbanization, the
hypermobility of persons, trans-border trade, rapid
population growth and changes to the environment and
food systems all increase in tandem with the demands of
globalization.(1) These transforma...
For concerned citizens and influential thinkers and doers, the McMaster Health Forum
strives to be a leading hub for improving health outcomes through collective problem
solving. Operating at the regional/provincial level and at national levels, the Forum
harnesses information, convenes stakeholders and ...
Ontario’s Action Plan for Health Care called for “right
care, right time, right place” (p. 10) and specifically for
“moving procedures into the community” (p. 13).(1)
To support the implementation of this commitment,
the ministry of health has taken several steps. The
ministry has supported one...
Improving end-of-life communication, decision-making
and care has been identified as a pressing health issue in
Ontario (and in Canada more generally), as evidenced
by recent research,(1;2) public opinion polls,(3) expert
panels and commissions,(4-6) and a high-profile legal
case,(7) which have revealed ...
Most existing organizational models for knowledge brokering comprise
a set of design features that reflect an evolving effort, typically by
researchers and research organizations, to balance a variety of competing
objectives such as independence and relevance. These design features are
rarely selected to...
Decision Making,
Translational Research, Biomedical,
Knowledge Management,
National Health Systems,
Health Policy, Planning and Management,
Health Policy,
Health Programs and Plans,
Models, Organizational