Total: 787

    Examining the impacts of educational interventions for families affected by opioid use

    Opioid addiction has emerged as a pressing publichealth challenge in recent years. From January 2016 to March 2018 more than 8,000 opioid-related deaths were recorded.(1) In 2018, the number of apparent opioidrelated deaths continues to rise, with more than 1,000 deaths in the first three months of the y...

    Enhancing health system integration of nurse practitioners in Ontario

    Nurses have a long tradition of informally working in expanded roles in rural and remote communities in Canada (e.g., outpost nurses).(1; 2) The formalization of the nurse practitioner role in Canada began in the mid1960s as a response to four interrelated factors: 1) introduction of publicly funded heal...

    Identifying effective approaches to support parents and caregivers of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

    Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is used “to describe a broader spectrum of presentations and disabilities resulting from alcohol exposure in utero.”(1) FASD affects fetal and brain development and may result in limitations to any of an individual’s: memory; sensory integration; social commun...

    Supporting parents in making informed decisions in relation to their children’s health needs

    Momentum for patient and caregiver engagement in health and social care is growing across Ontario.(1) This is evidenced by a number of recently released strategies and frameworks highlighting the importance of involving Ontarians in their own care as informed consumers of health and social services. One ...

    Understanding the use of and compensation for virtual-care services in primary care

    Provincial and territorial health systems across Canada continue to struggle with delivering timely access to primary-care services. In 2016, 74% of Canadians reported in the Commonwealth International Health Policy Survey that they received excellent or very good care from their regular doctor, which is...

    Resumen de evidencia para políticas: estrategias para el control de la fiebre Q
    Evidence briefs for policy: Q fever control strategies

    ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO El 15 de julio de 2017 aparece el primer caso de un brote con características de evento inusitado en un trabajador de una lechería en la provincia de Osorno, región de Los Lagos, Chile. A fines del mes de octubre ya se habían notificado 56 casos y se logra obtener las primeras...

    Resumen de evidencia sobre tiempos de espera para cirugías electivas para apoyar la toma de decisiones en políticas de salud
    Summary of evidence on waiting times for elective surgeries to support health policy decision making

    ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO El problema ligado a los tiempos y listas de espera para acceder a una determinada acción de salud ha implicado una creciente insatisfacción con respecto a los sistemas de salud. El Ministerio de Salud de Chile puso en marcha un plan nacional, el cual tiene como objetivo reducir...

    Identifying performance measures, indicators and targets to monitor and evaluate dementia strategies

    Dementia is a complex condition and refers to “progressive brain syndromes which affect memory, thinking, behavior and emotion.”(1) While the experience of dementia is different for each person, it eventually progresses to an individual not being able to care for themselves and requiring assistance w...

    Fostering K-12 students' global competencies

    The environment in which children are growing up today is very different than that of previous generations. There has been tremendous innovation in how society operates, with the rapid expansion of technology, globalization of businesses, new careers and opportunities, and increasingly diverse communitie...