Results: 87

    Resumen de políticas: intervenciones destinadas a prevenir, retrasar o disminuir el grado de fragilidad de adultos mayores a nivel hospitalario
    Policy brief: interventions aimed at preventing, delaying or reducing the degree of frailty of older adults at the hospital level

    ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO Debido al aumento de la población de adultos mayores, se prevé un aumento en la tasa de hospitalización. Los adultos mayores frágiles, son quienes presentan con mayor frecuencia desenlaces adversos en salud como pérdida de la funcionalidad, readmisión hospitalaria y mortalid...

    Respostas rápidas para Políticas de Saúde Informadas por Evidências
    Rapid response for evidence-informed health policy

    É reconhecido amplamente que as intervenções de saúde sustentadas pelas evidências de pesquisa serão mais efetivas do que aquelas que não são. Entretanto, na formulação de políticas de saúde, com seus processos decisórios não lineares e motivações políticas concorrentes, o uso de evidên...

    Métodos na EVIPNet Brasil: Ferramentas SUPPORT para políticas de saúde informadas por evidências
    Methodological approach in EVIPNet Brazil: SUPPORT Tools for evidence-informed health policy making

    Aqui apresentamos, de forma breve, os principais aspectos abordados pelas ferramentas SUPPORT (Supporting Policy Relevant Reviews and Trials) para elaboração de políticas de saúde informadas por evidências. As Ferramentas SUPPORT foram apresentadas em um conjunto de artigos publicados em 2009 na rev...

    Mortalidade Perinatal
    Perinatal Mortality

    A taxa de mortalidade infantil no Brasil reduziu 61,7% entre 1990 e 2010, mas o Brasil amarga o 90º lugar entre 187 países no ranking da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), atrás de Cuba (5,25), Chile (6,48), Argentina (12,8), China (15,4) e México (16,5), com inaceitáveis 19,88 mortes por mil ...

    Condón femenino (CF): diálogo de políticas
    Female condom (FC): policy dialogue

    ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO En Chile 38.000 personas viven con VIH/SIDA y unas 400-500 mueren anualmente a causa de esta condición. Por consecuencia, pese a la reconocida efectividad del Condón Masculino (CM) para prevenir la transmisión de VIH e Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual (ITS), numerosos actores...

    Enhancing the capacity of policy-makers to develop evidence-informed policy brief on infectious diseases of poverty in Nigeria

    The lack of effective use of research evidence in policy-making is a major challenge in most low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). There is need to package research data into effective policy tools that will help policy-makers to make evidence-informed policy regarding infectious diseases of poverty ...

    Policy summary 6: promoting health, preventing disease: is there an economic case?

    A core question for policy-makers will be the extent to which investments in preventive actions that address some of the social determinants of health represent an effi cient option to help promote and protect population health. Can they reduce the level of ill health in the population? How strong is the...

    Matching form to function: designing organizational models to support knowledge brokering in European health systems

    Most existing organizational models for knowledge brokering comprise a set of design features that reflect an evolving effort, typically by researchers and research organizations, to balance a variety of competing objectives such as independence and relevance. These design features are rarely selected to...

    Policy brief 16: how can knowledge brokering be better supported across European health systems?

    While there is a considerable body of health systems information being generated, it is often not being used as a key input in the policy-making process. The BRIDGE systematic review highlights several examples of health systems information: not being used at all, being only partially used, being used to...