Eliminating discrimination and inequalities in access to water and sanitation
Año de publicación: 2015
Patterns of marginalisation and exclusion are present all over the world, with
stark and persisting inequalities in access to water and sanitation. Progress
made in the water and sanitation sector does not always benefit those who
are most in need of these services, in particular the poorest, people living in
informal settlements and/or people marginalised on the basis of gender and
other grounds. International human rights law demands that the fundamental human rights
principles of non-discrimination and equality must be respected by specific
focus on those individuals, groups or communities who do not enjoy their
rights fully in order to close existing gaps in the enjoyment of rights. To this
end, duty-bearers and development assistance must aim at realising the rights
for all, with a focus on the most marginalised and excluded. Mechanisms for
conflict resolution, accountability and access to remedy must be in place, as
well as free, active and meaningful participation. The human rights to water
and sanitation – including the human rights principles of non-discrimination
and equality – must be carefully implemented at the national level, and strong
monitoring frameworks must track progress in realising these rights.
This policy brief aims to provide guidance on non-discrimination and equality
in the context of access to drinking water and sanitation, with a particular
focus on women and girls. It also informs readers on the duty of States and
responsibilities of non-State actors in this regard.