What constitutes an effective and efficient package of services for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care of tuberculosis among refugees and migrants in the WHO European Region? Themed issues on migration and health, VIII

    Año de publicación: 2018

    The WHO European Region has faced high rates of external and internal migration in recent years, with concerns that this is contributing to the burden of tuberculosis (TB), multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and TB/HIV coinfection in some countries. This report examines evidence of effective and efficient service packages for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of TB to inform strategies to address the TB burden in refugee and migrant populations. Significant regional variations were identified in both migration levels and TB burden in refugees and migrants, as well as in approaches to TB control, with low quality of evidence in many cases. While it is unlikely that a single strategy/package will be effective for all situations, the evidence highlights some common approaches that could guide policy-making and service development. TB elimination targets for the Region will not be met unless inequalities in access to screening and treatment for migrants are addressed, alongside efforts to tackle TB globally.

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