Los hallazgos de esta síntesis rápida están organizados de tal manera que responden las 4 preguntas planteadas. Cada subsección presenta los hallazgos relevantes de las revisiones sistemáticas, y los resultados del metaanálisis realizado con 20 estudios observacionales específicos para COVID-19 no...
La búsqueda estructurada identificó 78 artículos únicos, sólo cuatro relevantes para responder la pregunta planteada, que se sumaron a otros ocho identificados en la literatura gris. Adicionalmente, buscamos información sobre la experiencia en planeación de los servicios de salud a escala organiza...
Health systems performance assessment (HSPA) varies across the WHO European Region. This review summarizes HSPA domains and indicators used by Member States in their HSPA or health system-related reports. Thirty Member States published in the English language and from their latest documents, 1485 distinc...
The Health Foundation, an independent health care charity, was asked by
the Secretary of State for Health to review indicators of the quality of general
practice in England. We looked at how they could be made better to support
improvements to care, including how they are selected and presented.
Within t...
Issued by an international group of experts in health and private sector, this report stresses the importance of the private sector in responding to the HRH crisis and the need for further health workforce innovation, that increased the supply, improved the effectiveness of health workers.Recommendations...
In the early 1990s, Cameroon implemented a decentralised health system in accordance with the
health district and primary healthcare frameworks recommended by the Africa Regional Office of
the World Health Organization (AFRO-WHO). To enhance both responsiveness and equity and to
foster participation in t...
Au début de la décennie 90, le Cameroun a mis en œuvre un système de santé décentralisé
conformément aux cadres conceptuels du district de santé et des soins de santé primaires
recommandés par le Bureau régional de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (AFRO). Des
structures de dialogue comm...
The concept of screening in health care – that is, actively seeking to identify
a disease or pre-disease condition in individuals who are presumed and
presume themselves to be healthy – grew rapidly during the twentieth
century and is now widely accepted in most of the developed world. Used
wisely, i...
The delivery of health care is changing. While the acute hospital will always play
a key role in the provision of health care, reflecting its important role in training
and research, as well as its capacity to manage complex and severe disorders, in
many countries there is an increasing interest in the s...
This policy brief provides a review of current information and issues relating to cross-border health care in Europe. Following an overview of current patterns of patient mobility, the policy brief looks in turn at the legal framework for mobility, the financial implications, approaches to quality monito...