393 Actos Normativos

This standard specifies the information, the method of display of such information, and the wording and presentation of a health warning to be included on the labels of retail packages of cigarettes intended to be sold in Trinidad and Tobago.
Esfera del acto: Federal / Trinidad y Tobago
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This standard prescribes the wording of a warning notice and its presentation to consumers in advertisements for cigarettes on television, radio, press, posters and other media of communication. It also covers the requirements for the advertising of other tobacco products.
Esfera del acto: Federal / Trinidad y Tobago
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Codificación de la Ley de Régimen Tributario Interno
Órgano Emisor: Congreso Nacional
Esfera del acto: Federal / Ecuador
Deroga Decreto Supremo 1414 (artículos 21 y 24 )
Deroga Decreto Supremo 1248 (artículo 3 )
Deroga Decreto Supremo 989 (literales a, b y c del artículo 3 )
Deroga Decreto Supremo 2150 (artículo 1)
Deroga Decreto Ley 26 (numerales 7 y 10 del artículo 9)
Deroga Decreto Supremo 921 (artículo 18 )
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